
This makes me feel... (blursed images)

Reaction activity with students, practicing the grammar point: (object) makes me feel (adj.)

The powerpoint has 10 images for students to react to. I tried to find some wacky ones, to keep things interesting.

Open up the powerpoint, and introduce the activity. Say that they will be reacting to images, and writing down an adj. from their word box to discuss how they feel.
Proceed through the powerpoint. Show the image for 10-20 seconds, then ask the students to write down their initial reaction. Give them maybe 30 seconds for that (and to share with a partner, if time allows).

Quick and simple!

Note: All images are sfw, of course. Though... the dugtrio one may raise some eyebrows.

-Changed images to try and get a wider variety of results.
-Added a personal photoshop. You may want to change this.

Small files
  • Makes me feel blursed.docx (198 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Makes me feel blursed.pptx (7.07 MB)
  • 44
    Submitted by BoyNamedCrow June 29, 2022 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
    1. HTemple July 1, 2022

      I wish I could have used this earlier this year!

    2. TheBlueStuff April 22, 2024

      Awesome game, i always re-use. I got stuck with a particularly strict JTE who insisted on ONLY ever using words that the students are expected to learn...alot of the words on this document are too difficult and students arent expected to learn. so I had to replace them :(

    3. jiggswalsh May 9, 2024

      It could be that I did this too soon after them learning this grammar (a lesson yesterday) but I did this activity today and I think I am on the side of TheBlueStuff's JTE. I should have explained "makes me FEEL ~" better I am sure, but quite a few students found it difficult and disengaged. I think I will simpify it if I do it again.

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