This is a Powerpoint game based on the game Connect Four. Students will need tablets to play (one tablet per pair).
Put students in pairs and have them share a tablet. The first slide explains how to play the game Connect Four. The next slide is the actual game. Students should do rock paper scissors to decide who goes first, and who will be red or yellow. The students can choose their squares by saying the relative pronoun sentence aloud to their partner, filling the blanks with the information from the square they want to choose. Then, they can place their counter by clicking the image on that square. Clicking the image multiple times will rotate through the two counter colours. The first students to place four counters in an unbroken line wins!
Make sure to remind the students they can only place a counter in a space if there is something underneath to support it - either the bottom row, or another counter.
If you would like to change the images or text, you will first need to go to the 'selection pane' in powerpoint and 'unlock' the images and text. I have locked them to prevent students from accidentally moving the images around when opening the file.
Thank you very much!
It's a very good idea for practicing Relative Nouns in the Objective Case. (Sunshine 3 program 6)
Thanks for this!! I'm gonna try with the tablets , but print worksheets (to draw circles old-fashioned way) just in case. Also fits New Horizon 3 Unit 6 perfectly if you haven't already said that.
Hi, probably a dumb question but how do you share the powerpoint with the students?
Celireeder, probably a too late response now, but I had my JTE share the powerpoint in the student's Microsoft Teams class page, so they could access it there and download it. Depends if your school uses MS Teams and if your JTE uses it for class or not.
Thank you for sharing. Great Activity.
I can:t open it.