
Guess who? Shapes

A short powerpoint to practice shapes

This is a simple powerpoint I made to help practice shape words. Have the students name the shapes as they appear, and guess the character.

The words needed are: circle, square, rectangle, star, triangle

I used it for my elementary 1st and 2nd years, but it might be good review for other grades as well.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Guess who_ Shapes (1).pptx (1.53 MB)
  • 42
    Submitted by jensurviving September 6, 2022 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
    Inspired Shape Activity
    1. Bonjure289 September 7, 2022

      I will definitely use this, so cute <3 Thank you!

    2. waltergetubig0091 October 25, 2022

      Nice thanks man

    3. Hannah November 24, 2022

      Thank you! It definitely engaged the kids!

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