
Alphabet Henohenomoheji

Practice writing alphabet letters with a classic Japanese hiragana game!

This is a simple writing activity for 4th graders and elementary school special needs classes. I paired this with Lusasmh's "Pokemon ABC" to make it more fun. You can use another alphabet slideshow or flashcards (I provided some flashcards).

Anyways, here's the basic procedure I used. First, we practiced A through M, then we drew an original "romaji henohenomoheji" face using those letters. We repeated the same steps for N through Z, and drew a second face with those letters.

For the third and final henohenomoheji, let the students use all of the letters. Set a timer for two minutes for each face. If you and your HRT do this activity on the blackboard, it gets a bit more fun. Link to "Pokemon ABC"

Small files
  • Alphabet writing practice with hehemoheji.docx (38.4 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • ABC flashcards.docx (6.57 MB)
  • 12
    Submitted by JackyKillian1701 October 13, 2022 Estimated time: 10 to 20 minutes
    1. AsakawaSune October 14, 2022

      Great flashcards!
      Just a heads up. For X I've found they prefer to use it in the context of the end of the word with examples like 'boX' or 'foX'.

    2. JackyKillian1701 October 17, 2022

      Great idea for the "X" factor. I'll fix that!

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