
Halloween Hidden Word

I tried to hide some halloween font letters to a Halloween picture.

I really want my lower elementary school classes to do something for Halloween but I don't have much time and I didn't want to simply give them a coloring page so I am going to try this at my next lesson with them. Please tell me how I should change it or improve. I have never contributed here before so here goes.

Submitted by missmystic74 October 18, 2022 Estimated time:
  1. badartist October 20, 2022

    I think the best way to do what you're wanting would be to illustrate your own image and cleverly hide the letters in the drawing. That's a tall order, though, and if you're not artistic would be near impossible. Also if it's for younger students, they might be familiar with letters but they most likely won't know how to unscramble the letters they find and make a word with them, let alone a Halloween word.

  2. badartist October 20, 2022

    I think if you want to use those coloring pages, something that might be fun is to maybe first have a color quiz. Make 5 circles, numbered 1-5, and have them color in the circles with the color you say. Then the illustration can have numbers in each segment that needs colored. After the quiz, have them color in the drawing filling in each numbered area with the color from the quiz. Did something similar with my 1st graders and they loved it.

  3. wanifan October 20, 2022

    I use powerpoint for making worksheets usually, as it gives more flexability for moving and rotating text. What I'd do is create a square (color, doesn't matter), then on top of it create a text box for the letter you want to manipulate. Select both and navigate to 図形の書式 (I think it's Format on English versions, if I'm remembebring correctly). On the left there should be an icon that looks like two circles together. Open that up and there should be an option 重なり抽出 (It's the one labelled with "I"

  4. wanifan October 20, 2022

    Once you do that, it'll make the text into an object that you can manipulate, changing size, width, etc!

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