Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Jason Grant on Jan 06, 2009.
- Pass out the worksheet face down and tell the students not to turn it over. They turn them over at the same time and start to look for the correct/incorrect sentences.
- If they find a correct sentence they draw a circle on the line, but if they find an incorrect sentence they have to rewrite the entire sentence, not just the part that is wrong.
- After they finish with one sentence they go to the ALT or English teacher and have their sentence checked.
- If the sentence is OK, the student goes on to the next sentence, but if it is not they have to try again.
- The students repeat until the worksheet is finished.
- This can be used for many different grammar points.
- If you find the lines are getting long tell the students they can fix a couple of sentences before getting into line.
- For some classes it is best to let students work in pairs or groups.
- I give the first one to finish a little prize and have them become a sentence checker along with the ALT and the English teacher.