
Find the category... Find the Word

Have students use their Picture Dictionary (PD) and challenge them to find categories and/or words.

I got this activity from Noamy's elementary school English education youtube channel. Please check her out if you are interested in fun lesson ideas. Here's the link to her channel.

I use this as a warm up to keep the kids interested in the Word Link portion of the lesson. Have the students open the Picture Dictionary to the table of contents or /mokuji/. Say "Find the Category.... FAMILY." The first student to open to point to the family category and say the page wins. Have the students return to the /mokuji/. Next, try it with just a word. Say "Find the word...HORSE." The first student to point to the word and repeat it back wins! "Find the word," is more challenging because the students have to think about what section that word might be in. I typically do a couple of easy words and then two hard words with the final word being a vocabulary word in the section of the designated Word Link list. In this way, you can smoothly transition from the game to repeat the words in that section.

Submitted by nickteacher October 25, 2022 Estimated time: 5 minutes

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