
Mario Crossing Review Game

Get Mario across a rickety bridge by answering a wide variety of JHS 3rd year review questions.

This is a fun review game that uses simple grammar with a focus on understanding key vocabulary words (next to, usually, favorite, none/some/many, trying hard, etc.) and what prepositions to use in a sentence.


  • White boards, markers, and erasers for each group


  • Divide the class into groups.
  • Have the groups take turns choosing a question (1- 25).
  • All groups answer each question on their whiteboards within a time limit.
  • If all groups are correct, have the group that chose the question number choose a number (1 - 3) and move Mario forward that amount.
  • The class wins when Mario gets across the bridge!


  • Click on the starting block (that looks like land) to make Mario appear.
  • Click on the numbered squares at the top of the screen to go to the corresponding question.
    • Use the green return button on the question slide to return to the game board!
  • Click on any Mario to make him go back to the start (or the save flag if you've passed the midpoint).
  • On most question slides, click once to reveal answer options. Click again to reveal the answer. Some questions have multiple answers and require multiple clicks.
    • Questions 4, 5, 6, 9, and 15 don't have answer options so one click will reveal the answer.
    • Questions 7, 14, and 25 require every student in the class to say something quickly. Set a timer and have students pass a "baton" as they try to beat the clock.
  • After winning, if all the questions haven't been used, you can continue playing. Click the win message to make it disappear and click the starting block again.
  • A green mushroom appears when Mario lands on the first question mark block. Tell the class they can use it to return Mario to his previous position if he dies. To use, click the green mushroom to make it disappear and then click the block that Mario should go to.


  • Click on Mario to send him back to the start whenever any group answers a question incorrectly.
    • CAUTION: If you do this, the students may run out of questions before Mario reaches the other side!
  • Turn on the sound for fun sound effects~
  • Change the name/movie on slide 20 (question 18).
  • Have students write their answers as full sentences even for the multiple choice questions for extra writing practice.
Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Review Rickety Bridge Game.pptx (78 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by 4sarah1212 December 15, 2022 Estimated time: 30 - 40 minutes
    1. zeezee03 December 23, 2022

      This looks really well made. I look forward to getting a chance to play this with my students!

    2. Beverbin July 11, 2023

      This looks great! Thanks you for sharing.

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