
What do you want, X or Y? Interview Map

This is the same as my other interview map, except I've made this map specifically for Let's Try! 2 Unit 7.

  • Hand out an interview map to each student.

    • I keep a larger version either on the screen or in print for explanations.
  • Go over the names of the fruits/vegetables/other stuff using the screen or large print.

-Explain that when giving someone two choices and asking what they want you add "or" between the two options.
- This isn't gone over in this unit, but I think it's simple enough that most kids can grasp it quickly.

  • Have them repeat after you a few questions using "or".

    • What do you want, an apple or a banana?
    • What do you want, a mushroom or a cabbage?
  • Next, say two items and have the students make the question using "or".

  • Explain to them that they will interview their friends and that they will follow along with their friends' decisions using colored pens/pencils/highlighters.

  • Once they've interviewed each other in their first pairs, have them find new students to interview.

Submitted by KeiT04 January 4, 2023 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes
  1. doughn0tdisturb January 17, 2023

    This is a good WS but do you have a blank version or something we can change the picture?
    Also, it’s good if you let the students make their original

  2. KeiT04 January 30, 2023

    I do!

    You can find it linked with this version of the activity:

    I tried the blank one for multiple classes and had bad results with all of them. The students take a really really long time to decide what to write in each blank. I tried setting a time limit as well as walking through the whole class row-by-row and it still took up way way too much time just filling in the blanks.

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