
Pokemon Town Directions Game

A game for practicing directions (turn left, go straight, turn right at the first corner, etc.) with various Pokemon.

Made this kind of in a hurry, so the maps aren't as pretty as they could be.
There are three levels, each with ten locations around town (bookstore, library, station, etc.) Each has a specific Pokemon to look for. Click on a location and a Pokemon will come out. Some of them are matched to their locations (Machamp at the gym, for example) and some are a little more random.
Made for Here We Go Unit 8 and practicing more detailed directions (blocks, corners, etc.) However, you can definitely use it with lower grade levels just with turn left/right/go straight.
Font is Mitsu Handwriting, so if you don't have it installed, it will probably default to whatever you have as your default font.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Pokemon Directions Game.pptx (8.05 MB)
  • 35
    Submitted by wanifan February 6, 2023 Estimated time: 10-20 minutes
    1. jiggswalsh February 10, 2023

      Thanks for this! It will fit in to my lesson plan nicely!

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