
Typhoon - Let's Try 1 Yearly Review

A powerpoint version of the classic Typhoon game for Let's Try 1.


Divide students into teams of 3-4 people. I ask them to come up with team name and write them on the board to track points.


Students pick a question (A-2, D-3, etc). Grant points based on either:
- Whichever team answers first (recommended for small classes where most students are the same level)
- Give students allotted time to answer (~30 sec). If they can't, they pass. Anyone in the class may answer to get the points.

The home button in the bottom-right returns to the main board.

The points will be revealed after answering the question. Points range from -3 to 5.

If a Typhoon (tornado) is revealed, the team who answered the question gets to pick another team to lose all their points.

If a Tsunami (wave) is revealed, the team who answered the question loses all their points.

The team with the most points at the end of the game (or class) wins.


Column A - Greetings - Ask the students "How are you?" and they answer based on the picture.

Column B - "How many?" - Students count the images and answer in English. (Based on sbrshteacher's "How Many" Quiz.)

Column C - "What do you like?" - Students answer based on the picture in the speech bubble.

Column D - Alphabet - Students read the letters aloud. You can grant bonus points if they can guess what the logo is. (Based on leaveseclipse's Logo Quiz.)

Column E - "Who are you?" - These are 3/4 Hint Quizzes where students guess the animal.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Typhoon - LT1 Review.pptx (32.9 MB)
  • 33
    Submitted by lazypanda13 March 1, 2023 Estimated time: 45 mins
    1. kiboper March 14, 2023


    2. ALIda January 20, 2024


    3. Ejemy March 4, 2024

      Do not do negative points for 3rd grade. You want positive reinforcement. I would recommend only positive points and if they get typhoon/tsunami to only lose half points. Honestly, just get rid of the typhoon and make it a mario star or something to double points.

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