
Deal or no Deal - Quiz Game

A flexible quiz show style presentation that allows students to practice and review anything you like.

What you will need

  • Projector/TV and a device to run the ppt.
  • A whiteboard or blackboard for keeping score.

How to play

I used this with both my special needs classes and my English club. You can have students play as individuals in small classes, or in teams for larger classes. I would recommend no more than 5 players or teams.
You will keep track of the teams score on the whiteboard/ blackboard so draw as many columns as you have teams with enough space to write numbers as long as 10,000,000.

On to the ppt.

  • After the intro screen there will be the main quiz screen with 22 numbered boxes and a lot of prize money boxes.

  • Each of the 22 boxes contains (is linked to) an amount of prize money and two mystery prizes, in a random order.

  • Choose who will go first by whatever means you prefer (janken, who's youngest/oldest etc).

  • The first player/s pick a box at random by telling you what number they want from 1 - 22.

  • Click on the box they choose to go to that boxes slide.

  • Leave the students in suspense for a few moments before clicking to advance to the next animation.

  • The box will dissapear and reveal the prize money value that was inside. Write this number in the team's column on the whiteboard/blackboard.

  • Click once more and a question or instruction will appear. The lower the value of the prize money the easier the question is and vice versa.

  • Once they have answered click the back arrow in the bottom right. This will return you to the box selection screen. The previously chosen box and prize money value will dissappear.

  • There are also two mystery prizes which in my version are a potato and a kitten, I physically printed the pictures out to give to the students.

  • Move on to the next team and repeat until all the boxes are gone.

  • Decide the winning order by totalling up the prize money each player/team has won.


Feel free to change the questions to whatever you like, and swap out the mystery prizes. Just be wary of the animation order so the question appears last in the order.


I have uploaded a version without sound (one to save bandwith and server costs for ALTopedia, two because they are better as linked files not embedded anyway). If you really want to make the presentation fancy I have linked music files on Google Drive here

To add the music follow these steps:

  • On the title screen (slide 2), in the transitions tab, find the 'sound' option and click the dropdown. At the bottom choose 'other sound' and select dealornodealtheme.wav.

  • On slide 3 in the transitions tab, find the 'sound' option and click the dropdown. At the bottom choose 'other sound' and select DONDboxchoose.wav.

  • For each of the 22 individual box slides, in the transitions tab, find the 'sound' option and click the dropdown. At the bottom choose 'other sound' and select DONDquestiontime.wav.

  • For slide 6 (the top prize), open the animation pane click the dropdown arrow next to 'Picture 2', and click on 'Effect Options'. In the sound catagory, click the dropdown box, scroll all the way to the bottom, choose 'other sound' and select DONDtopprize.wav.

  • For slides 5 and 19 repeat the above but choose DONDmysteryprize.wav.


I hope you enjoy playing with your students! It's always a blast with mine, especially when someone gets the top or lowest prizes.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Deal or No Deal.pptx (9.99 MB)
  • 41
    Submitted by onighost March 13, 2023 Estimated time: 35 - 45mins
    1. tommie March 13, 2023

      I don't understand the mystery prize. Is it just funny and you give them a picture of a cat/potato? Is there a question you ask them?

    2. onighost March 13, 2023

      @tommie It's just for fun. The potato and kitten are a running joke in my classes, so you can change it to whatever you want. Bonus prize money, a signed picture of yourself, stationary if you're feeling particularly generous, anything really! I physically printed out both pictures to give to the students who won them to keep.

    3. fukutanisan March 14, 2023

      One thing, the arrow is in the bottom right, not left. :P

      But this was awesome!! Thank you for your effort!!!! :D

    4. onighost March 14, 2023

      @fukutanisan Brain clearly not engaged! Fixed now. Glad you enjoyed it!

    5. Bizzle March 17, 2023

      This is great, but the boxes don't disappear after clicking the box and answering the question.
      *Using a Mac

    6. onighost March 17, 2023

      @Bizzle Weird, I made it on a Mac and it works on that and my schools PC's. What version of Powerpoint are you running?

    7. Twigrock May 8, 2023

      Very cool!

    8. billd June 27, 2023

      You have an English club!!! Urayamashi~~ Love the game!! Thank you for sharing!!

    9. Megg sensei May 30, 2024

      I found this really helpful. thank you so much

    10. Jannelle November 12, 2024

      Hi! I hope you are having a great day! I can't seem to play the song. How to do so? What must I click on? onegaishimasu ^^

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