Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Mark Porter on Jun 03, 2014.
- Briefly drill students on the difference between 13 and 30, 14 and 40, 15 and 50, etc.
- Pass the paper out to your students.
- Tell the students to take out a pencil.
- Tell the students that you will start at "Start" (point to the "Start" on the paper) and say a number (13 or 30). "The first number is...." Tell the students to circle the number that they think you said.
- Continue on in that way down the paper. "The next number is ..." "The last number is ....."
- When you reach a character at the bottom of the paper, ask the students which character they think it is.
- This activity can be done three times in a row as students seem to (reasonably) enjoy it. I suggest going somewhat slowly the first time, but for the second and third times you might want to pick up the speed a bit. This activity is fairly easy for most students but a bit challenging for some.
- For the second and third times, you can tell the students to use a different color pencil or pen, or to put a triangle or square around the numbers you say.