
Is that a...?/What's this? Card Game

Is that...? GOFISH + What's this...? MEMORY

Google Drive Link (Includes Microsoft Word file which is a little big):

-These are cards which I used for 2 grammar points - "Is that a ____?" "Yes, it is/No, it isn't" and "What's this?" "It's a ___."
-You can print them, laminate and cut them with the office paper cutter.

I used "that" cards for GOFISH during one class period.

I used "this" cards for MEMORY during the next class period.

It's up to you how you use them, of course.

"Is that a ______?" GOFISH Instructions:

-Maybe this is too much work, but I made 15 decks of "that" cards for this game.
1) Students get into pairs. They each get 5 cards.
2)They will ask their opponent "Is that a _______?"
3) Their opponent will say "Yes, it is./No, it isn't." If the answer is yes, they are given that card and can make a pair.
-It's the same rules as GoFish.

What's this? MEMORY (shinkei suijaku) Instructions:

-I made 8 decks of "this" cards.
1) Students put their desks together and make groups of 4 people.
2)The cards are laid out on the desks.
3)When the student chooses cards, they must point at it and ask "What's this?"
4) The student to their left will flip it over for them and say "It's a _______."
5) It will go like that around the group. Of course, if it is a match, the student who chose the cards gets the pair.

Submitted by Celestar129 May 12, 2023 Estimated time: 15~50 minutes (depends on you)
  1. robertsbp May 12, 2023

    Hey!!! I really like this concept, and the cards are really well made, I love the designs! My one concern is that, while the game is great for encouraging speaking, it doesn't really demonstrate the difference between "this" and "that" spatially.

    Is there a way for the activity to be played to better reinforce that concept?

  2. RoselleDesigns May 12, 2023

    This looks like fun!
    Maybe you could have the students split the playing area (with a pen/ruler/etc) so they can use 'this' with the cards on their side and 'that' with the cards on the other. If using different desks, use 'this' for cards on your own desk and 'that' for cards on others' desks.

  3. RoselleDesigns May 12, 2023

    You could also explicitly tell students that you use 'this' with the cards within reach of you, where as if you have to reach and point you should be using 'that', which follows real-life usage

  4. Minet Minutes May 12, 2023

    Hi!This is a nice idea.Thanks for this.Could you share us also the edited version of this?Thanks!

  5. Celestar129 May 16, 2023

    @Minet Minutes - Hi! I'm not sure whatyoumean by the edited version, but if you mean the microsoft word file which can edited, there is a Google Drive link to that in the description!

    @RoselleDesigns & @robertsbp I agree that this activity doesn't really have the usage of "this" and "that" spacially, and that's kind of what I am trying to figure out (I haven't used the activity yet). I was thinking for GoFish, they should explicitly use "that" when asking what the other player has. And then for Memory, they should keep "that" and "this" cards separated so "that" is farther away from them. (I also like the pen idea!) Please let me know if you think of anything!

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