
Various English board materials

A wide variety of English board materials for all times of the year!

As I make more materials for my English boards, I will add them here! At my base school, I update my English board on a monthly basis, so there is a lot of seasonal content to reflect that. Some of it might seem a bit strange when taken out of the context of my ideas or accompanying paper crafts that aren't in the files, so feel free to ask questions about things and I'll be happy to explain! :)

Small files
  • january english board new years materials.docx (615 KB)
  • january english board mochi fillings.docx (174 KB)
  • friday the 13th infographic.docx (418 KB)
  • december english board holiday materials.docx (621 KB)
  • valentines day how other countries say ily.docx (114 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • june english board materials.docx (3.97 MB)
  • mothers day fathers day english board.docx (1.38 MB)
  • july english board materials.docx (1.89 MB)
  • sophies recommended english tv shows.docx (1.3 MB)
  • december UPDATED 2023 english board materials.docx (5.47 MB)
  • january NEW english board materials.docx (1.76 MB)
  • february UPDATED 2024 materials.docx (6.13 MB)
  • march UPDATED english board materials.docx (4.28 MB)
  • april UPDATED 2024 english board materials.docx (1.68 MB)
  • may UPDATED 2024 english board materials.docx (1.8 MB)
  • august materials.docx (1.1 MB)
  • september english board materials updated 2024.docx (8.46 MB)
  • october english board materials.docx (3.32 MB)
  • november english board stuff.docx (17.6 MB)
  • 86
    Submitted by sophie May 18, 2023 Estimated time: 0
    1. CullerTr May 29, 2023

      Hello! I love the June English board materials. I work at a junior high and they do not monitor what I post on the board, however, I am nervous about putting Pride material on the board. I am a queer person myself and I am not out at work, so I do not know what to do. D you have any advice about handling this situation. I would love to share this on my English board.

    2. sophie May 30, 2023

      @CullerTr I had the same nerves as you, so I showed my supervisor JTE the materials and asked her if it's alright if I put them up and she was totally on board! Having a coworker that I know is an ally and will back me up if there is any backlash has really helped ease my anxiety about it. :)

    3. CullerTr May 31, 2023

      Thanks @sophie. I actually showed my head JTE what I wanted to include on the board, and she did not bat an eye. She was right on board with it. I was so relieved!

    4. sophie June 16, 2023

      @CullerTr that's so wonderful! the other day my school principal approached me and asked if he could post a photo of my board to the school's home page. cheers to spreading love and acceptance :)

    5. joyceisachoice June 30, 2023

      Thank you! I really love your June month! It's really easy to understand and all of the images make it even easier to understand. Including Juneteenth is important too! I missed this for June, but was just looking for summer ideas!

      Glad to see the discourse above too. That's amazing :)

    6. kirleyh1 January 12, 2024

      I'm really interested in your Valentine's Day board about how other countries say "I love you" but I don't understand the document. I only see different flags. Is there other information there? Did you find a way to convert other languages to Katakana?
      Thanks for all your work it looks amazing! :)

    7. sophie January 15, 2024

      @kirleyh1 thank you so much! I cut pink hearts out of paper and folded them in half. I pasted the different country names and flags on one of the outer halves of the heart (with the other outer half being attached to the board), and inside, I hand-wrote that country's "I love you," so that onlookers could open the heart and see. I will update the document so that all of the different languages are in there. sorry for the confusion!

    8. kirleyh1 January 18, 2024

      Thank you so much @sophie! That is really helpful!

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