
Channel Surfing 'What were they doing?'

A write and race activity useful for practicing the past progressive


I haven't updated or used this activity in awhile. If you are going to use it you should take a good look first for dated cultural references and stuff that doesn't suit the new teacher strategies. If nothing else I hope these older materials will give you some ideas for your own materials.

Use the example screen before making groups.

Click on the power button to see the images and then click on the numbers to bring up the questions. Teams race to answer the questions and bring their answers to a teacher. If the answer is correct assign points based on speed or use random point cards. I sometimes go with speed but then after a few rounds add optional jankan with the teacher. They gain or lose points depending on if they win or lose.

I usually click the power button once. let the students take memos then click it again before starting on the questions. I usually do the questions in a random order.

After the time limit is up or after every team is finished to an answer check by clicking the same number again and then move onto a different question with a new student bringing their answer.

You can use this link to see a presentation that can help with editing my activities and making your own.

Small files
  • Channel Surfing (What were they doing).docx (136 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Channel Surfing (What were they doing).pptx (19.6 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by UonumaRobert April 4, 2019 Estimated time: I usually pair it with another activity so I can't finish it but doing both rounds take take a full lesson.

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