
Draw Your Worst (Is that a...?)

Activity where students draw something as poorly as they can and have other students ask them what it is using "Is that a...?.

Pass out the worksheets (print on A4 and cut in half) and have students write their names.
Explain that they are going to draw a picture in the box BUT they should draw it as poorly as they can, and that their classmates will have to guess what they have drawn.
Next have them write on the line "This is a ~" and then draw their picture. I gave about 3 minutes for this. For students who couldn't think of something I recommended animals, fruits, or stationary. Some students also drew characters, so it may be good to point out the 'a' in "This is a" is unnecessary if using a character's name.
I drew my own example up on the board to make the explanation easier to understand.

Then demo with the JTE:
1. Do rock-paper-scissors
2. The loser asks first, "Is that a ...?"
3. The winner answers "Yes, it is." or "No it isn't. It's a...".
4. The loser writes their name on the winner's paper under correct o or wrong x
5. The students switch roles and repeat

I also reviewed the phrases and wrote them on the board before starting to give the students practice and a bit of help.
optional: I collected the worksheets from willing students and will use them for a guess the image game on next month's English Board.

Small files
  • Draw Your Worst.pdf (12.7 KB)
  • 16
    Submitted by RoselleDesigns May 29, 2023 Estimated time: 15 minutes

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