
Welcome to Japan

Junior Sunshine 6 lesson 4 interactive PowerPoint game

Junior Sunshine 6 "Welcome to Japan" game that focuses on vocabulary and the target phrase "We have ________ in _________." Students will answer questions and collect prefectures for their team!

This was heavily inspired from Taysteachingtoolkit's "Nation domination" game, would highly recommend taking a look at it.

How to play:
1) Have the students break up into 5 teams and select a color (Red, blue, green, yellow or orange)
2) After they are in their teams, have the teams decide what order they will go in. I used a round of janken but feel free to do whatever works best for your class
3) Briefly show the map of prefectures so they have an idea of what they are going to be doing. If you can explain in Japanese that they are fighting for prefectures, great!
4) Have the first team select whatever number they would like, in English of course!
5) Have the team answer the question by filling in the vocab blank and saying the whole sentence "We have ______ in ______."
Warning: Some kids get very nervous when answering and it may take them awhile. I like to give them about 20 seconds and then I count down from 5 for them to give me their final answer.
6) If the team answers correctly, click the little map of Japan in the bottom right corner. Then, click the corresponding prefecture. The prefecture that you select will then change colors. Keep clicking until the color of the team appears on the map.
WARNING!!!!!! Some of the prefectures of a small area to click. Please practice where to click or else you may have to restart the map.

The winner is the team with the most prefectures!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Welcome to Japan.pptx (16.2 MB)
  • 19
    Submitted by juliabiv June 13, 2023 Estimated time: 15 minutes
    1. suteppuuu June 20, 2023

      Interesting concept! Will definitely use it. I did tweak some of the sentences like font size, style and letter case.

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