
I think I will...

Introduces the idea of a good idea, bad idea and the form "I think I will"

Start by playing the video of Good Idea, Bad Idea from youtube.
I usually play until around 1.30 minutes, they get the idea.

Then open the power point and elicit the key vocabulary as you go along "Wallet, Forgot" etc etc. Have them vote on which "I think I will..." is better in this scenario.

Then show them the scenarios one by one, included and whichever idea gets the most answers wins. For example if multiple teams independently come up with "call the cops", they get the point.

If it's a draw or if everyone chooses different ideas, then have them vote as a class on which team has come up with the best answer to the situation and allocate the points that way.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • I think.odp (26.9 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by LeoC91 June 21, 2023 Estimated time: 30-40 minutes
    1. mssamansa June 22, 2023

      Hilarious!! I always struggle to think of applicable activities for this grammar point. I know my students will get a kick out of the slides! Thank you!

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