
JHS 1 Semester 1 review game

A short review game where groups race to complete the worksheet and to review words and grammar they learned.

Sorry I can't think of a name for this activity so if you do have and ideas, do let me know.

First get students into groups of 3-5.
Paste the 12 questions around the class, with their numbers visible and the questions hidden. (You can do this by folding it into half)

Students have a set of 12 blanks they have to fill in, and each question corresponds to the numbers in their worksheet.

  1. 1 student per group will go to a number and take a look at the question. They will think of the answer, or remember the question if they don't know the answer.

  2. That student will go back to their groups and tell them the answer or question, which in this case their team will think of the answer.

  3. The group will then write down the answer on the corresponding number.

  4. Next student will find another number and repeat.

  5. First group to complete the worksheet with all correct answers will win.

I have attached the questions I used recently with my classes, along with a short ppt to explain the rules.
It can be quite chaotic and my students loved it. Though if one group finishes super quickly, it might make the other groups stop trying. I gave stickers to whoever finishes and the winning group two stickers each in order to motivate them.

I have done this multiple times and its great for them to practice speaking, listening, thinking on the spot and working together as a team. Also helps the weaker students when they are doing this as a group.

This activity can also be adapted to be done in pairs or even alone if you wish.

Update: Forgot to add in a variation.
This variation is used to get students in their creative mode.
Instead of questions, put pictures and get the students to describe the image instead. Can be any sentence based on the picture/ scene for that number. E.g. "There are five monkeys." (if its a zoo scene or something.) or "A boy is running." (If it is like a park or something, hopefully you get the drift)

Step 2: Get amused by what your students come up with.

Submitted by TeeRexX June 26, 2023 Estimated time: 15-20 mins (Depending on class ability)
  1. anna5312 June 27, 2023

    This is so good! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. JoshA July 3, 2023

    Hey, thanks for sharing this material! Will use it in my class soon :)

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