

Means of transportation

Powerpoint presentation (updated) -
Slide 1: title
Slides 2 - 6 show the different means of transportation. These slides are animated on click/tap, therefore you should get familiar with the timing of each.
Slide 7: Title for sounds
Slides 8 -14 play the sounds and solicit answers from the students
Slide 15: Start of our story
Slide 16: Animation
Slide 17: Alien arrival. This slide is animated on click/tap, therefore you should get familiar with the timing.
Slides 18 - 22: Help our alien friend travel around the world. These slides are animated on click/tap, therefore you should get familiar with the timing of each.
Slide 23: Funny trick question. This slide is animated on click/tap, therefore you should get familiar with the timing.
Slide 24: Alien departure. This slide is animated on click/tap, therefore you should get familiar with the timing.
Slides 25 - 27: To be used when explaining the worksheet. Slide 27 has the answers and is animated on click/tap, therefore you should get familiar with the timing.
Slide 28: End of presentation

Word document -
1. Best to print page 1 on catridge paper.
2. Print page 2 separately, allow students to cut and/or paste 6, 12 or all 18 depending on the size of the class and level of dexterity. The worksheet is a cut and paste activity where the students sort the transportation in the correct fields. If students are not allowed to use scissors or may have trouble using them, then it's best to cut them out beforehand and just allow them to sort them (this also saves class time).
3. Slide 27 has the answers.

Please feel free to make any changes to suit your needs.

Small files
  • TransportationSort.docx (452 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Transportation_words.docx (1.33 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Transportation.pptx (51 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by klstoujour July 14, 2023 Estimated time: 20 to 30 minutes
    1. Denpa October 24, 2023

      Could you upload the PowerPoint slides on Google Drive? Thank you in advance.

    2. Tsensei January 12, 2024

      Same. Could you upload the PowerPoint slides on Google Drive? Thank you in advance.

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