
Phone Call Relay Guide!

A conversation guide which gives situations, answers, and reactions used in phone calls!

This guide gives a simple telephone script with situations the students can choose from.

Follow the phone conversation and students can choose from the sections labeled Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

The basic conversation structure is Question -> Answer -> Reactions.

Make sure the students understand how each question and answer are related and the appropriate reaction to it.
ex (Do you want to go to ___? -> Sure, lets go together. -> Great! See you soon! )

Rather than have students just repeat whats on the paper, some of the questons are unfinished and students have to add their own original information.

I tried to use grammar the students already know. Ex (Could I.../ Do you.../ When.../ Who.../ Going to.../ Have to...)

This guide can be used during pair work and role play work.

Originaly, I wanted to use the schools Chromebooks to simulate a real phone call between me and a student, using this worksheet as a guide, but we did not have time so if anyone tries this method let me know how it goes!

Submitted by sgtheALT July 18, 2023 Estimated time: 20 minutes

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