Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Nicholas Hallsworth / Scott Gibson / Rich Basile / Richard Benoit on Aug 10, 2011.
This game was originally designed for ES, but can easily be adapted for JHS.
Castles attachments:
- Nicholas's: Print out the 6 colorful castles on the worksheet, cut them out, laminate them and then cut them out again into their seperate parts (they should fit together like a jigsaw). Don't use the small flags on the worksheet, the bigger flags at the bottom of the attachments are better. Attach magnets to make the magnetic castles and put them in 6 envelopes.
- Scott's: To see how Scott uses his variation, check out the Variation area below.
- Rich's
- CastlesPPT: A simple set of 4 castles to break and rebuild using the PC and TV in class.
- A list of questions (not included) to review the textbook or practise a topic.
- The students compete in 6 rows (列). Give an envelope the the first student in each row and they open the envelope and build the castle on the board in front of their row.
- Introduce the 6 castles: "This is Kitty Castle. This is One Piece Castle." etc. The students get excited about the One Piece castle!
- The first student from each row stands up and the ALT asks a question. Students raise their hands and answer the question. The student who answers correctly first is the winner and can choose another teams castle to destroy. They can destroy one piece of castle.
- Continue to the second player.
- When the castles have no walls left, the students can take the flags and put them on their own castles.
- The students can also rebuild their own castles instead of destroying enemy castles.
- Introduce questions where player 1 and player 2 can work together.
- Introduce more difficult questions which are worth 2 points (can destroy 2 castle parts, take 2 flags etc)
- Instead of using the attachments, a quick and dirty version is to simply draw the castles on the board.
Scott's Variation:
- Like the regular rules above, teams work to destroy a castle, rebuild their castle, steal a flag, or retake a flag.
- Flags (including your own) can only be taken from Castles with no towers.
- You can steal stolen flags.
- I added a ninja. The students can play their ninja once per game.
- The ninja can steal a flag no matter the state of the enemy castle. The 班長s play Janken best of 3 to determine if the Ninja's infiltration attempt was successful.
- The ninja can also be used to retake a flag. Taking back your own flag requires no playing of Jjanken.
- The castle names are as follows: Space Castle (Green), One Piece Castle (Orange), Pretty Pink Castle (Pink), Peanuts Castle (Purple), Doraemon Castle (Blue), Pizza Castle (Yellow).
- Throw in a few writing questions to mix things up a bit.
- Get the HRT or JTE to help you decide who put their hand up first.
- This can also be used in JHS for grade 1, 2 and 3.
- The students will get pretty excited so be prepared for a lively class.