
Jobs - VS Game

Teams earn points by correctly stating job vocabulary with the phrase "I want to be a _____."

This power point game was made to reinforce the job vocabulary found in the picture dictionary that accompanies the New Horizon textbook. This power point could easily be edited for any vocabulary!

First, divide the class into teams. You can assign them team names or challenge them to come up with an English name. Janken to see which team will go first. Each slide has a set of images with points hidden behind them. To pick an image, a team member should use the target grammar "I want to be a _______." with the proper vocabulary of a corresponding job image. To reveal the point(s) earned, click on the image they chose. Do NOT click outside of the image or press enter as that will take you to the next slide. The points vary from 1-3. The team with the most points is the winner.

My JT decided that each slide was a new round, however personally I intended it to be one round entirely.

Note: Artist and astronaut are included, so I marked those images with "* an".

While I think the concept is good, my 5th graders didn't participate as well as I had hoped. Feel free to post feedback on how you would run this style of game ^_^ /

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Jobs Game.pptx (2.26 MB)
  • 11
    Submitted by GinaG October 2, 2023 Estimated time: 10 minutes
    1. StoleUrMeme October 4, 2023

      Thanks for this! Will be using in a lesson soon.

      In terms of feedback, I've found games that have a bomb for negative points (even just -1 to avoid too many tantrums) keep students engaged in my elementary classes and keep teams interested even when it's not their turn. I tend to swap out the highest score possible for some kind of image from Irasutoya like a star/cake/treasure chest etc. instead of the number itself too.

    2. Ulysses February 7, 2024

      This is great. Been wanting to make something like this but lacked the necessary skills.

    3. ausjet March 22, 2024

      Recently I used a game similar to this in my JHS 1 class (Stay Alive Game from Tay's Teaching Toolkit) and it worked extremely well! If you're looking for feedback, maybe you could use that as reference? It utilises a video game-themed PPT with hearts as lives. It has -1 hearts and lets students steal hearts from other teams, which made the students super engaged, so I highly recommend it! But to keep students participating, I let groups with 0 hearts still participate, and awarded the group with most hearts at the end with stickers!

      Here's the link

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