
Translation Relay Race

Fun translation group game, minimal prep, good for large classes at JHS level, gets the students engaged.

First print off 9 copies, then cut out the 9 sentences and keep them organised (sentence ones all together, sentence twos all together etc) and keep one copy of the correct translations into English for yourself.

Explain to the students that their job in groups is to take sentence one, and correctly translate it into English. When they think they have it, they send one student over to you to listen and see if they have it exactly right. If they do, then you give them sentence two and they work on that together in their group. Then question three, and so on.

It's great because the students really get into the competition element and it forces them to think about what the correct grammar is, and gives them space to talk to you and make mistakes.

I've included three versions here, I usually do it once or twice per year spread out fairly far apart.

Also the sentences are mostly drawn from Grammar points from New Crown three.

Note: Some sentences will have more than one correct translation in terms of meaning, so be sure to check with your OTE if you get an answer that is correct in terms of grammar, but you're unsure if the meaning is correct.

Submitted by LeoC91 January 22, 2024 Estimated time: 45 Mins

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