
Travel Talk

A simple activity about traveling meant to match lesson 4 A Miracle Mirror in the textbook All Abroad 1.

The slides and worksheet are included but feel free to edit them to your liking to suit your classes.

First, I told the topic for today and showed places I went to in Japan to get them thinking about something familiar. Then I showed the sentence structure, examples and had them read and repeat after me. I also checked their understanding of the sentences to make sure they were not just parroting but asking where I wanted to go and why according to the sentences.

Next it was their turn. The worksheet's charts are taken from the textbook as well. I encouraged them to use their textbook or ask me and my JTE for help. (My school uses chromebooks but I didn't want them to use Google Translate lol).

Afterwards depending on time and class size, I had students talk to each other in pairs or I asked them by calling on random students. They can listen to their classmates and write down their answers.

Small files
  • Let's talk about where we want to go.docx (7.14 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Travel Lesson.pptx (6.79 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by kireninjapan February 9, 2024 Estimated time: 40- 50 minutes

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