
Dicey Months

Two teams line up side by side and call out the month corresponding to the numbers on the dice.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Raymond Corrigan on Feb 3, 2010.


  • 3 dice for every 10 students.


  • Divide the class into teams of five.
  • Have two teams face and stand in front of each other. Put a die in between the teams.
  • Roll the dice and have the first student in each team compete to call out the month corresponding to the number on the die (e.g. 5 = May).
  • Other team members can help. The faster student receives two points for their team and the slower student gets 1 point after saying the month.
  • The students move to the end of the line and the next students in line play.
  • Repeat this step until all students have played.
  • Add a second die and repeat until all students have played (Let the students roll).
  • Add a third die and repeat until all students have played (Let the students roll).


  • If you just use 2 dice for the whole game you will almost never get earlier or later months. (January is impossible, December is rare).
  • Use something like playing cards for points.


  • This works better with under 20 students.
  • If the number is over 12 students re-roll.
Submitted by Englipedia Archive May 16, 2019 Estimated time: 15-25 min
  1. UonumaRobert May 16, 2019

    I'd suggest one die per group and play in two rounds. One round goes on for a few turns practicing January through June. Then stop the game and tell the students to add 6 to whatever they roll. From then the game practices July to December.

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