For grammar point: What cute shoes! New Horizon 1 page 82.
Materials: every child to have a Chromebook, for you to be able to show the presentation slides
Introduce vocabulary for different aspects of the character we can compliment: shoes, shirt, skirt, etc. with the presentation slide.
Introduce vocab for complimentary adjectives: great, nice, cute, cool etc. with the same presentation.
Have kids make their avatars using this link:
Make your own character on the smart board and show how to do the pair work with JLT.
Kids should pair up with 3 different people and compliment their characters using the vocab.
I did this for my special ED JHS first graders who have a hard time sitting through a full lesson. It's really helpful to have them engaged and up and about for at least half of the class with relevant activities and games. It also requires zero prep.