
Speed Comparisons

Speaking and listening activity that emphasizes quick thinking.

This might be a better activity for higher level classes. I personally haven't tried this before, so let me know how it went!

This is a partner activity where one student (Student 1) must ask their partner (Student 2) a comparative question.
ex. Which is taller? Horse or dog?
Then Student 2 needs to answer the question really quickly.
Student 1 must continue asking comparative questions while including an option from the previous question.
ex: which is taller? Horses or dogs? (horse) -> which is taller? dogs or lions? (lions) -> which is taller? lions or ants?....
when either Student 1 fails to come up with a question fast enough, or Student 2 fails to answer/gets the question wrong, the person becomes the loser and the game ends.

This becomes a group game, and a timer is passed around. Maybe give the students 10 seconds each for q and a. Once they get the answer, they can reset the time and pass it to the next person.

Submitted by SittingInTheCorner February 26, 2024 Estimated time: 5-10 mins
  1. Aurelio Mizukami February 28, 2024

    This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cutie Bocong November 11, 2024


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