
Pikmin coloring page

Coloring activity for practicing the colors of the rainbow

This is a Pikmin coloring page I made to be used as an activity for practicing colors with young students. I'm going to use it with my preschoolers, but I think it would work well for ES 1st-3rd graders and special needs as well. The colors used are red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink. (If you want to practice another color, have the students color the letters of the title that color.)

To turn this into a listening activity, have your students wait for your instructions to start coloring. Tell them which color(s) to color each object on the page. For example, "Color the Red Pikmin red and green." (Be sure to point out which one is the Red Pikmin.) Then have all students color the Red Pikmin at the same time and put their marker/colored pencil down when they are finished. Next, give instructions for the next Pikmin and so on.

If you're not familiar with Pikmin, here's a page from the Nintendo fan wiki that has descriptions and pictures of all the Pikmin:
I'm also including a photo of my finished coloring page for reference.

I'm including the PowerPoint file, so feel free to edit as you wish.
*I used the font Lexend, so if you don't have it downloaded, you may need to change it to a different font.

Small files
  • Pikmin coloring page.pptx (424 KB)
  • Pikmin coloring page.pdf (114 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Pikmin finished page.jpg (1.11 MB)
  • 18
    Submitted by srmaynard44 May 13, 2024 Estimated time: 20-30 mins
    1. rusty bucket May 15, 2024

      This is really cute, I will be adding this to my coloring page collection. Thank you :)

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