
Australian History Quiz

Quick timeline explanation of Australian history, culture and a bit of multiculturalism

Get kids into groups of 3/4/5 depending on class. (I like to have around 6 groups)

Give each group some paper, and explain to them that there will be a quiz after the presentation, and to write memos on the paper while listening.

Give a presentation and afterwards play a quiz game.

I played the quiz alongside this:

How I played the quiz:
In turns 1 student in each group acts as a representative for the group and stands up -> ALT reads a question -> students in the group talk and tell the representative the answer -> representative puts up a hand and says "HAI" -> fastest team answers, if correct choose a spot on map / allocate points.

(choose questions from the sheet randomly and mark them off with an 'X' - answers to '★' questions are not included in the short version of the presentation)
(I made a rule where after the representative says "HAI", they cannot read the memo paper, or talk with their teammates. this stops kids from saying "HAI" as soon as possible without actually knowing the answer, and getting all the points)

(also if they answer incorrectly, they can't answer twice in a row)

Small files
  • Quiz questions.pdf (31.6 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Australian History.pptx (11.8 MB)
  • SHORT Australian History.pptx (9.55 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by rug_chissu May 16, 2024 Estimated time: 40 / 50 mins
    1. AsakawaSune May 20, 2024

      Careful if you show this to some Aussies haha, they might take offense at being called a 'young' nation. I think we changed our anthem because of that, didn't we? 'For we are one (not young) and free~'.
      I'm not offended though, lol. Compared to other countries, we haven't been an internationally recognised country for long.

    2. derie214 May 22, 2024

      As a non-Australian person, it was pretty fun to do on my own. The PowerPoint is really engaging. I can see how students would enjoy doing this. Great work!

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