
Did The ALT...?

Students ask the ALT questions using 'did' questions: "Did you eat breakfast yesterday?" Points are recieved for 'yes' responses.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Safiyya Goga on Feb 11, 2010.


  • After breaking the class into groups, students are given about 5-10 minutes to come up with questions for the ALT using the word 'did'.
  • If the ALT answers "yes", the group receives one point and the group has the chance to ask another question. If the ALT says "no", the group's turn is over and it's the next group's turn.
  • The group with the most points accumulated in 10-15 minutes wins.


  • Instead of allowing a group to keep asking questions if they receive a 'yes' answer, only allow one question from a group before it's the next group's turn.


  • This game is great. Kids are super innovative in using English to produce a 'yes' response: Did you go to toilet yesterday? It's a definite example of real and natural usage of English. It doesn't feel contrived at all.
Submitted by Englipedia Archive June 5, 2019 Estimated time: 15-30 min
  1. ohnoko March 1, 2021

    I did a slightly modified version of this today and it was great! Instead of just asking me questions, I included my JTE. I broke the game up into three rounds, each round the groups needed to think of one question for each teacher. Give 3-4 minutes to think of/write their questions. Then two students from each group stand up, and each student will ask one of their questions.

  2. ohnoko March 1, 2021

    At least one group in every class asked me "Did you take a bath yesterday?" and "Did you drink tea yesterday?" and they were all shocked when I said "No." I'm a shower person (which I was sure to tell them) and I usually drink water or coffee lol.

  3. rebvandev March 9, 2021

    ohnoko the same thing happens to met when I tell them I don't take a bath. I love the "えーー" and disgust they respond with until I tell them, "I shower only!" haha

  4. Lena_the_Legend February 8, 2024

    I did this activity this week. I highly recommend it! I gave groups a bonus point if they made an interesting/unique question. This encouraged them to be more creative instead of everyone just asking "Did you speak English yesterday?". Be warned that some awkward questions like "Did you have wine last week?" came up. Well, it was awkward for me at least. It's also a great way for students to get to know the ALT (me) better.

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