
Time Capsule

Time capsule worksheet I made for SHS.

Start the lesson by having students answer questions (Slides 3/4/5 on the PowerPoint) in pairs as a warmup. I gave them 1 minute each to answer, so 6 minutes in total.

Next, read the rest of the presentation explaining what a time capsule is.

At the end of the presentation, hand out the worksheet and have students fill it in.

While they fill it in, walk around the class and have small talk with the students about their answers. (eg. about their dream job or favourite anime)

At the end of the lesson, collect the worksheets and give them back to them at the end of the year.

I plan to make the students check their worksheets at the end of the year, and find and correct any mistakes they made with a red pen as an activity.

Google doc link (if you want to change anything on the worksheet):

Submitted by rug_chissu May 20, 2024 Estimated time: 40 minutes
  1. AVGKF May 22, 2024

    Google Docs is blocked at my school. Is it possible to attach the worksheet as a Word Doc? Thank you.

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