I adapted this board to follow the present perfect sentence structure (specifically used for New Horizon 2 Unit 2).
Students roll dice and move their eraser. In order to stay on the square they landed on, they have to correctly create the sentence using present perfect tense and either "since" or "for."
Example: Square says "I (have) a cat (2 years)" - the student says, "I have had a cat for 2 years."
You can even have the other students ask the question form of the square and then have the student answer - "How long have you had a cat?"
Bombs send you back to the beginning.
Other than that, the game should be pretty simple.
Board Link: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1r0Tt3zFca5hf3phRXaehtJlL-4tCYhCyHso7y0KWegg/edit?usp=sharing
Note: I did not make the template for this board. It was created by lazypanda13, but I'm not entirely sure how to credit them, but I will figure that out.