
Color by number

Assign a color to a number and let them color!

Your standard color by number activity, however the students don't know what number is what color until you tell them what it is.
Depending on the ability (or age) of your students, they'll write the color to the corresponding number you tell them first in English or Japanese.

I've had them listen, write and color one by one or have them write down all the colors first and then they finish by coloring after. Either works, just depends on the class you have! I find it pairs well with Let's Try 1 Unit 4 and any 1st or 2nd grade class.

Two worksheets, one of ice cream and the other is watermelon with lemonade! Both have numbers 1-7, so you have 7 color choices!

Small files
  • Color by Number.pdf (660 KB)
  • 26
    Submitted by shinjirarenai May 21, 2024 Estimated time:
    1. Furachan May 30, 2024

      This is great! I can imagine another way is that the students cannot see the picture (say the sheet is folded and only the bottom half is face up) and the students write the names of the colours after each number and then colour in the sheet.

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