Just a basic self-introduction script for Here We Go! 6 that covers Unit 1 and Unit 2.
Feel free to make a copy if you wanna change up the content.
You can also tell your kids to use their tablets to search up things they wanna talk about/ introduce.
***the two questions at the bottom of the Self Introduction box are optional. I told my teachers to explain to them that conversations flow more naturally when both parties are engaged so they ask at least one of the questions after introducing themselves, they get a higher score.
Link to the script: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHT4iHZZs/DzXZ_8TEBoDaMu5L3NvexQ/edit?utm_content=DAGHT4iHZZs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
I’m not very familiar with Canva so let me know if you’re unable to make a copy of the file and I’ll change up the permissions.
If your JTEs asked you to do something for your first term performance test, I hope this helps!