
How long have you...? Self-expression

A self-expression sheet for the students to talk about their hobbies and club activities.

This is an exercise I developed for my 3rd year junior high school students. I wanted them to practice the "How long have you...?" grammar point in a more personal and practical manner. So, I had them write about their hobbies and club activities.

First, use the slides to practice with a couple warm-up questions. Change what you need to make it relevant to your situation.

Second, read a model together. Then, give them the worksheet and let them write for 10 to 15 minutes.

You can use this worksheet twice. The first lesson is for writing. In a second lesson, my JTE used this worksheet so the students could practice conversations interview style with their classmates. Hope this helps!

Small files
  • New Horizons 3 Unit 2 how long self-expression.docx (283 KB)
  • New Horizons 3 Unit 2 how long self-expression.pdf (150 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • JHS 3 Unit 2 How long have you practice.pptx (3.98 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by JackyKillian1701 June 19, 2024 Estimated time: 20 to 30 minutes

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