
What job?

Junior Sunshine 5, Lesson 3 "What do you have on Mondays?". After working on timetables, subjects, and "what do you want to be?", this game gets students to guess the right subjects for the right job.

The students look at the timetable for the day with a list of 5 subjects. These 5 subjects are prompts for students to guess what job the person with the timetable wants. For example, someone with Music, Music, English, Social Studies, and Arts and Crafts in their timetable would likely want to be a musician/singer.

There are no perfect right answers, many guesses that apply are ok. For example, tennis player is an acceptable guess for the first activity where the answer is soccer player/baseball player. I have included a few applicable jobs from the vocabulary we have been practicing, but the important part of this exercise is to get the students to ask themselves why, for example, a doctor might need to learn English.

Give it a try, let me know what you think. In one class we got lots of great guesses and jobs, in another participation was quite low. がんばって!

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  • What job_.pptx (5.59 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by Kieran Webb June 21, 2024 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes

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