
Wasei Eigo Quiz

A powerpoint of common Japanese words that compose of English but differ from their actual English counterpart!

I was inspired by seeing wasei-eigo themed lessons pop up as well as posting these words for my English board. This however is aimed towards elementary school. The memo version is for simplified explanations with clip art. You can use it as a quiz or just as a teaching tool!

Here is a list of the words covered:

コンビニ - convenience store
ベビーカー - stroller
ハイタッチ - high five
ゲームセンター - arcade
アメリカンドッグ - corn dog
ジェットコースター - roller coaster
シール - sticker
ビーチサンダル - flip flop (I'm American lol)
バイキング - buffet

Since I'm using it as a quiz style, each click will reveal one katakana character at a time as a hint. In the memo version, a note pops up to reveal the literal English used with accompanying images.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Wasei-eigo - memoー.pptx (6.67 MB)
  • Wasei-eigo.pptx (5.37 MB)
  • 17
    Submitted by GinaG June 22, 2024 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes

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