I present about natural disasters in America. I talk specifically about where I am from (Florida) and hurricane prep. You can delete that it is where you are from and keep it about hurricanes since there is the typhoon right now - pretty relevant. After that I talk about school drills - evacuation, lockdown, earthquake, and tornado/hurricane drills.
There is some sensitive topics. I talk about lockdown drills which are specifically for active shooters or threats inside or outside of the school. I think it is important to talk about but it might be too sensitive and make people uncomfortable. Feel free to delete that or shorten that section.
Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dj5qdXaeFtYtnzQMp9w-YHe_kA_c096fll6fC793DTE/edit?usp=sharing
Feel free to copy and edit