
Vocab Pointer Game- Summer

Speed summer vocab game. You will need a pointers for each group or students can use thier hands. This can be adapted to any vocab.

Set up: First review the words with the students so they know what the pictures and the terms are. Then place them on the floor with the picture up. (If you want to make it easier make the pictures face them with proper orientation so they can clearly see the image.)
Have the students make groups and either move their desks together or line up. For younger students I recommend the first.

How to play:
Janken for order in each group. The first student per group stands up with their pointer when a word is called and races to touch it first. If they touch it they get a point. If it`s at the same time you can have them Janken or give both a point. For younger classes you can make it who touches first gets the most and as long as they touch it they can get a point too.
Winner is whoever has the most points at the end.

I did this before and students get really excited to review.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • summerflyswattergamepptx.pptx (1.09 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by MrJsensei September 2, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes

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