
Crazy Story Mad Lib

Students fill-in-the blanks with nouns, plural nouns, adjectives, and other parts of speech to create a story about a rainy day.

This activity can be used as a warm-up / warm-down / supplement to some reading passages! I used it to follow up a reading passage about a "crazy" story, so I thought it would be a fun way to warm-down the class.

I took this story from this website and changed it slightly, I think it was called "Rainy Day" but my school's wifi is blocking the website right now DX.

If your students don't know the difference between these parts of speech, it's worth going over them so it might increase the time. However, I've included the Japanese to maybe try and help them understand. If you have any ideas to make it better or more understandable, please let me know!


Simply print out the worksheet! I did one per pair of two students.

How to Use:

Go over the different parts of speech briefly with the students.
Fill in a few together as an example on the board.
After you've given them some time to work on it and read through their stories, they can swap with the group behind them to read the other groups story.

I hope this can be helpful or fun in your class!

Submitted by ingoopa October 23, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15
Inspired by Crazy Diary Entry
  1. jeninjapan October 28, 2024

    Thank you for this! I tweaked it a little and made gave it a Halloween twist ♡ :D

  2. ingoopa November 20, 2024

    @jeninjapan No problem! Glad you were able to use it :-D!

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