
Halloween - Scene It

Watch a movie clip and answer some questions.

I tried uploading this twice and for some reason its not uploading. The original work came from @CarpenterBee, I just copied and edited the heck out of it. Big shoutout to CarpenterBee!

Movie/Clips in this PPT:
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Hocus Pocus
- Shrek
- Ghostbusters
- The Mask
- Coco
- Casper
- Goosbumps 2
- The Adamms Family

- Whiteboards, markers and erasers for all teams (optional).
- Blackboard or somewhere for ALT to keep score
- TV + HDMI + PowerPoint displayed laptop

How to Play:
1) Split the class into teams, max 8 teams. (I found that 4-6 teams is the best)

2) Give out whiteboards and stuff each team needs. Fire-up the PowerPoint and lay down the game's basics.

3) Go to the "Videos" part of the PowerPoint. Teams will choose a number for a movie clip. Click the number/movie clip the kids want to be hyperlinked to the video. Watch the clip in full.

4) After the clip, you'll be directed to 3 black spiders. Clicking on any of these will send you to a question.

5) Have teams write their answers on their whiteboards (optional). Countdown, then reveal the answer to the question (also optional).
(OR Students can just raise their hand. The first student to raise their hand and answer correctly gets the point.)

6) All the teams that answered correctly get to pick 1 prize from the next "Prize" slide. Click on any of the snowman icons to reveal points (if the students raise their hands, then that student picks the point). (There are only 8 black cat prize items to choose from, hence why there are a maximum of 8 teams.) Keep track of points on a blackboard so everyone can see.

6) Click on the purple bat in the bottom right corner to return to the spider question slide and select more questions related to the movie clip. Click the pumpkin icon to return and select a new movie!

Download link:
Here's the link to the activity because for some reason I can't attach the PowerPoint. (edit: THE PREVIOUS LINK WAS WRONG.)

My students had a blast playing it so I hope yours do too.

Submitted by AbbyALT October 24, 2024 Estimated time: Entire class or whenever you decide to stop
  1. Bonjure289 October 24, 2024

    Can you please make it public? It says I need to request access.

  2. kuhlista October 24, 2024

    Hello! Do you think you could update the permissions on this one? I can't seem to access it!

  3. tank35 October 24, 2024

    what grade did you use this for? cheers

  4. AbbyALT October 24, 2024

    Sorry I didn't realize it wasn't public but I've fixed it now. Also the previous link was wrong but I've changed it also.

  5. AbbyALT October 24, 2024

    @tank35 I used it for all grades at JHS including special needs classes

  6. CarpenterBee October 24, 2024

    Looks so good!! I am so glad you made it :) I wanted to do one but couldn't find the time to do Jap Sub+Eng dub~ I'll be using yours for my JHS Sp-Ed kids! Thanks and can't wait to see what others you come up with in the future

  7. hamirareza October 25, 2024

    Thank youuu! ^_^

  8. jason October 28, 2024

    This is incredible. Thank you so much. I don't know jack about Halloween so I always struggle with Halloween lessons, this is perfect.
    Going to use it in a variety of classes this week. I've edited out the Japanese translations under the questions to try and get them to think about the meaning.

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