
Matching Activity for Debate (Attack)

Students must find the student whose card pairs with their own. Entire class can get up, walk around, and talk with each other to find their pair.

This activity was created specifically for LET debate at the high school level but can also be used for middle school (if you provide extra explanations or translations).

40 cards total.
20 students have various "opinion" cards about why cats are better than dogs. (6 unique card types.)
20 students have "refuting" cards about why the argument about cats does not stand.

1. Cats are smarter than dogs. = C. That’s not true! Dogs are smarter than cats. They can learn tricks.
2. Cats are cheaper than dogs. A cat costs $200; a dog costs $400. = F. That’s not necessarily true! You can often get puppies for free!
3. Cats are cheaper to feed than dogs. A cat costs $25/month; a dog costs $27/month. = A. That is not a big difference! $2 a month is not a lot of money!
4. Cats are cuter than dogs. = B. That’s not always true! Some dogs are very cute, and some cats are ugly!
5. Cats are clean; dogs are dirty. = D. That’s easy to solve. Give your dog a bath!
6. Cats were the most popular pet in ancient Egypt. = E. That’s not relevant! Ancient Egyptian history is not relevant for choosing a pet today!

Canva Link:

Submitted by possumpolice November 5, 2024 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes

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