
Culture, Language, Music, and More!!!!

a fun activity for your students to get accustomed to other cultures and English language through other forms.

hi hi! So I often make music games for my students, but I thought I'd spice it up and add in some more and add some things I think would really challenge them.

There are 9 rounds total, with 5 slides per round.

The 5 slides' categories will always be the same, they include:

Music Genre
Food from all over the world
Music Lyrics (Fill in the blank)
Music Language
Mystery (a video of sorts)

And this is on repeat for 9 rounds, with questions varying (of course)

The bonus (pick a card) is to give students a fighting chance, specifically for those who aren't too good at English or know about other cultures. I've attached the PDF for that as well. Use it if you think your students need it!


Here is the link:

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • game cards.pdf (3.7 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Let's Play!! Culture and Language (1).pptx (139 MB)
  • 27
    Submitted by tjp0916 November 8, 2024 Estimated time: up to 50 minutes
    1. spiceblown November 12, 2024

      This is absolutley excellent.Amazing work. Is it possible to download from the link ?. I couldn't find how to do it !!

    2. tjp0916 November 13, 2024

      @spiceblown yes! if you go into ファイル (Files) and then go to 名前を付して保存 (basically save as) and click コピーのダウンロード (download copy), then you have it :)

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