

Choose one recipe and make a PowerPoint about how to cook it!

This is a fun little project to teach your students about cooking! Start by having each student choose one recipe and then hand out the worksheet. This lesson requires a computer for each student but you can also just have them write their answers on the worksheet and present from that. Once each student has a recipe, I use the Powerpoint to show my example so they have an idea of what they need to make. My students use google slides instead of PowerPoint so you can adapt this to whatever works for you. I also encourage my students to use lots of pictures or funny cartoons if they want. Every student will present their PowerPoint to me when they are finished. Another way I have adapted this is, I made my third years each choose one recipe from a different country. Feel free to change anything as needed. Enjoy!

Small files
  • Cooking Worksheet.docx (130 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Cooking!.pptx (3.8 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by feymor November 14, 2024 Estimated time: 2 or 3 Class Periods

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