
Rainbow Race Rally 🎨🏁

ES Marble Race Game for reviewing colors

The Ultimate ESL Marble Run Game 🎨🏁

Looking for a fun, high-energy way to review colors with your students? "Rainbow Race Rally" combines vocabulary practice with the excitement of a marble race! Perfect for 3rd-grade ESL learners or older special needs classes, this game gets the whole class cheering while reinforcing color words, including “dark” and “light” shades like light blue or dark green.

How to Play

  1. Prep Your Teams:

    Split your class into teams (3–8 works best, but any number is fine).

  2. Learn to Cheer:

    Teach students simple cheers like:

    • “Go, red!”
    • “Blue is the best!”
      This adds extra excitement and makes the game feel like a real competition.
  3. Review the Colors:

    Show the slide with the marbles. Have students name the colors they see on the screen.

  4. Race Time!

    • Have each team take turns choosing a color they want to cheer for. (The teacher can make a note on the classroom scoreboard to track each team’s choice.)
    • Use your SPACEBAR to play the marble race video.
    • Watch the marbles zoom down the track together and cheer along!
  5. Score Points:

    • After the race, award points on your classroom board for everyone to see.
    • Scoring is simple. If there are 6 marbles in the video:
      • 1st place marble = 6 points
      • 2nd place marble = 5 points
      • 3rd place marble = 4 points, and so on.
  6. Have Fun!

    No negative points here—it’s all about celebrating participation and fun.

If you want to make something similar:

I got all my videos from Tiktok:

My criteria for the videos was:
1) Must be basic colors
2) Cant be over 10 marbles in a race
3) Video needs to be under 1 minute

Google Drive Link: DOWNLOAD PowerPoint

I’ve uploaded the full PowerPoint with embedded videos to Google Drive. If you have an ALTopedia Premium account but no access to Google at school, I’ve split the game into two smaller files so you can combine them on your PC.

Happy teaching,


Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • PREVIEW Rainbow Race Rally.png (1.61 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Rainbow Race Rally - part 1.pptx (106 MB)
  • Rainbow Race Rally - part 2.pptx (113 MB)
  • 24
    Submitted by CarpenterBee November 29, 2024 Estimated time: 20-30
    1. ApplesoverKiwi November 29, 2024

      One of my special needs JHS classes is very behind my other special needs class at my other school. I can actually see them really enjoying this! Thank you

    2. ChetBorneo November 29, 2024

      As always, a brilliant activity. Will be perfect for my 1st year Elem kids. Thanks again.

    3. lovelyj December 2, 2024

      Thank you so muchhh. Can't wait to use this in my classes. You're the best!

    4. kusobaba December 3, 2024

      Is there no end to your creative talent? There's no beginning to mine - so thanks again!

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