Hi everyone! I made this activity to help my students practice infinitive verbs in the format "I want you to ____" (specifically for page 114 in New Crown 3). All my classes had a lot of fun with it, so I hope your students enjoy it too!
The rules are pretty simple: first, each student gets a copy of the worksheet I included.
They then have time to make 8 sentences using "I want you to _____", I put some examples up on the board during this time to help them come up with more ideas.
Next all students stand up and find someone to play rock-paper-scissors against. The winner reads one of their sentences while the loser has to act out what they're being asked to do. Eg: Winner says, "I want you to eat sushi." The loser then acts out eating sushi. After this the winner puts a check mark in the circle beside the sentence they read.
Students keep finding different partners to play against until they win eight rounds and get checks beside all of their sentences or until the time is up.
I gave out stickers to any students who got more than 4 checks, but you could adjust this to be higher or lower depending on whether you want things to be more relaxed or more high-energy.
Example Timeline:
1min- handout papers
4mins- explain the rules
8mins- students fill in the worksheet with 8 of their own sentences
6mins- students walk around the room playing rock-paper-scissors and trying to check off all of their sentences