
Your Monkey?

In this game, students secretly draw pictures on cards and try to guess the artist of each card. Students learn to understand, ask, and respond to simple questions of ownership/possession.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Rachel Rasfeld on Nov 25, 2011.


  • Give the students a rundown of the concepts of the lesson: what the words "my" and "your" mean, how to make simple inquiring sentences (as in, "Your pencil?") and how to respond ("Yes, my pencil", "No, not my pencil") You can also make the sentences more ("Is this your pencil?") sophisticated depending on the students' ability. Practice saying the target sentences until the students are reasonably comfortable.
  • Next, give each student 2-4 cards. Instruct them to draw one thing on each card, and to keep the drawings secret if possible. You can specify the words, or let them pick their own so long as it's an English word they've studied in class. Give them no more than 5 minutes to do this.
  • Collect the cards into one big deck and shuffle. Have the kids sit in a circle, and place the deck in the center. Demonstrate the rules by turning over the top card, and looking at all of the students. Explain that you are trying to guess who drew the picture. Choose a student (or better yet, the HRT), and ask, "Your [thing on card]?" The person should reply, "Yes, my ~~~." or "No, not my ~~~."
  • If the guesser is correct, the artist takes their card. If the guesser is incorrect, they keep the card. The goal of the game is to have as few cards as possible, though it's perfectly fun to play without any sort of winning or losing. The students (especially students who know one another well) seem to really enjoy matching drawing styles to their classmates.
  • If a student turns over one of their own cards, they should say, "My ~~~," and turn over a new card.


  • Alter the number of cards to make this game go faster, depending on your class size.
  • If you end up with extra time, collect the cards, shuffle them again, and try another round to see if the students can remember who drew what from what they saw last game. It's a memory twist on this guessing game.


  • To practice the target sentences, I have each student put a pencil on their desk. I take a pencil of my own with me and go around to each student (I have small classes). Then, I take their pencil and mine, put them behind my back, and randomly present the student with one. The students should then state correctly whether it is "My [the student's] pencil." or "Your [ALT's] pencil." It sounds really simple but it's a good way to check comprehension before moving to the game.
  • Obviously, you can use this game to help reinforce a few vocabulary words by selecting your words of choice as the pictures for the cards, given that they are easy enough for the students to draw.
Submitted by Englipedia Archive November 18, 2019 Estimated time: 20-30 min

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