Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Natasha Anders on Jun 24, 2009.
- Students have to interview 4 other students (preferably 2 boys and 2 girls).
- They ask the questions and correlate the information when they're done with the questions.
- Afterwards teachers do a classwide survey by asking the same questions and seeing how many students reply in the affirmative.
- I find it useful to have students assign symbols to each person they interview, for example: Yuki = 〇 , Yuka = □ , Yuji = △ Yuya = ☆
- It's best to put them into groups of 6 for this activity (3 boys, 3 girls).
- If you have them walk around the class it becomes, noisy, chaotic and basically party time.
- Students often find this survey very interesting and enjoy seeing the results afterwards.
- Sometimes I think it even shames them in to helping out around the house a more.